E-T-A to power feed active systems in OpenRAN
How is the OpenRAN structured?
The Core has many functions:
- It provides access controls ensuring users are authenticated for the services they are using,
- it routes telephone calls over the public switched telephone network,
- it enables operators to charge for calls and data use, and
- it connects users to the rest of the world via the Internet.
It also controls the network by making hand-overs happen as a user moves from coverage provided by one RAN tower to the next.
In the OpenRAN there are three main building blocks
- called Radio Units (RU),
- Distributed Units (DU) and
- Centralized Units (CU).
In the OpenRAN the operational tasks are done in DUs and CUs.
What is the benefit of OpenRAN?
In the standard RAN the telco operators normally are dealing with only one single supplier. In OpenRAN the openness of software and hardware gives the opportunity to work with multiple vendors.
Welche Produkte bietet E-T-A für OpenRAN Netzwerke?
E-T-A gehört heute bereits zu den qualifizierten Lieferanten von DU- und CU-Stromverteilern.
Da das Prinzip von OpenRAN darin besteht, Systeme von verschiedenen Anbietern nutzen zu können, sind die Stromverteilermodule von E-T-A unabhängig vom Lastsystem einsetzbar. Sie können die aktive Technik und alle Systeme versorgen, die in CUs oder DUs integriert sind.